• Passages 5 (Sphynix, Staircase, Bodnant)
  • 13" x 18.5" hand tinted Giclee on paper 2/20
  • Jennifer Dickson

Artist Information

Jennifer Dickson

Member: Royal Academy (RA)
Born: South Africa, 1937
Price Range: $625-$3200

Jennifer Dickson had already established and international reputation as an artist, before emigrating to Canada in 1969. Born in the Republic of South Africa in 1936, she studied at Goldsmiths’ College School of Art (University of London, England) from 1954 - 1959; and from 1960 - 1965 was an Associate of the prestigious graphic workshop, Atelier 17 in Paris, studying under the late S.W. Hayter. She has lived and worked in England, France, Jamaica and the U.S.A. In 1974 she became a Canadian Citizen.

Since 1962, Jennifer Dickson has had more than 60 one-person exhibitions in six countries and has participated in more than 400 group exhibitions. She has been a guest lecturer at nine U.S.A. Universities, and has been invited to speak across Canada at Canadian art schools and universities.

Her awards include the Prix de Jeunes Artistes pour Gravure, from the 1963 Biennale de Paris, and a Special Purchase Award from the World Print Competition (San Francisco Museum of Art, 1974). In 1980 she was awarded the Biennale Prize of the 5th Norwegian International Print Biennale. She has represented Canada in the Internationale Buchkunst-Austellung Leipzig on several occasions since 1977. In 1988 her book, The Hospital for Wounded Angels, was chosen by the Association of Canadian Publishers as the Canadian book for presentation at the London Book Fair.

In 1976 Jennifer Dickson was elected a Royal Academician by the Royal Academy of Art, in London, England - - the only Canadian in the 200 year history of this prestigious institution to have been so honored. She is, in addition, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Painter-Etchers and Engravers (London, England). In 1988 she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Alberta, Edmonton, for her contribution to Canadian culture.

The Still Photography Division of the National Film Board has supported and circulated two major exhibitions of Jennifer Dickson’s photo-based imagery: “The Secret Garden” (1975) and “The Earthly Paradise” (1980). The PARADISE exhibition was shown in 1981 at the Centre Culturel Canadien in Paris.

Jennifer Dickson’s photographs of Versailles are reproduced in a book of poems by Jane Urquart entitled, The Little Flowers of Madame de Montespan (Porcupine’s Quill, Inc. 1984). Her photographs were used as cover images on The Revels by Robert Billings (Porcupine’s Quill, Inc. 1987) and The Fountains of Neptune by Rikki du Cornet (McClelland & Stewart, 1989).

Jennifer Dickson’s exhibition, The Last Silence, organized by the new Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography (an affiliate of the National Gallery of Canada) toured the Palazzo Te in Mantua, Italy and the Canadian Cultural Centre in Rome in 1993. The Last Silence exhibit opened at the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography in Ottawa in November 1993.

Born: 17 September 1936, Piet Retief, South Africa

Elected ARA: 24 April 1970

Elected RA: 29 April 1976

Category of Membership: Engraver

Jennifer Dickson trained as a painter and printmaker at Goldsmiths’ College School of Art, London from 1954 to 1959, and her graduate studies in etching were under Stanley William Hayter at the Atelier 17, Paris from 1960 to 1965. She went on to found and direct the graduate printmaking programme at Brighton College of Art (now Brighton University) and was instrumental in integrating photography into the programme in the early 1960s. Dickson moved to Canada in 1969 where she taught at the Saidye Bronfman Centre in Montréal.

Dr Jennifer Dickson RA, Silver Streams (The Lily Terrace, Bodnant)

Dickson’s first solo exhibition was held at New Vision Centre, London in 1962. This was rapidly followed by a string of solo exhibitions held annually in countries throughout the world, including the UK, Belgium, South Africa, Jamaica, USA and Canada. A 25 year ‘Retrospective’ of her work was held at Galerie Dresdnere, Toronto in 1985. Dickson’s work has also been included extensively in many international group exhibitions since 1956.

Dickson was made a member of the Royal Society of Painters, Etchers and Engravers, London in 1965, and was elected Royal Academician in 1976 (ARA 1970). In 1988 she was made a Doctor of Laws at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada and was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada in 1995. In 2002 she received the Victor Tolgesy Arts Award from the Council for the Arts in Ottawa for her contribution to the arts in Ottawa, where she lives and works.

Recent solo exhibitions

2011 Wallack Galleries, Ottawa

2001 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, British Columbia

2000 Wallack Galleries, Ottawa, Ontario

Golin-Harris International, New York

1999 The Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers, Bankside Gallery, London, UK

1998 Wallack Galleries, Ottawa

Tatar-Alexander Photography, Toronto, Ontario

AT Kearney, London

1997 Wallack Galleries, Ottawa, Ontario

The City Gallery, London, UK

Art Gallery of Sudbury, Ontario

The Frederick Horsman Varley Art Gallery of Markham, Ontario

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

1996 Wallack Galleries, Ottawa, Ontario

The Gallery, Victoria Woolen Mill, Almonte, Ontario

The City Gallery, London, UK

1995 Wallack Galleries, Ottawa, Ontario

Royal Academy of Arts (Print Room)

The Kamloops Art Gallery, Kamloops, British Columbia

Estevan National Exhibition Centre, Estevan, Saskatchewan

Moose Jaw Art Museum and National Exhibition Centre, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Swift Current National Exhibition Centre, Swift Current, Saskatchewan

1994 Joseph D Carrier Gallery of the Columbus Centre of North York, Ontario

1993 Wallack Galleries, Ottawa, Ontario

The Ottawa Art Gallery, Arts Court

Centro Internzionale D’Arte E Cultura, Palazzo Te, Mantua, Italy

Il Centro Culturale Canadese, Piazza Cardelli, Rome, Italy T

The Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, Ottawa, Ontario

Wallack Galleries, Ottawa, Ontario (Retrospective 1963-1993)

1992 Wallack Galleries, Ottawa, Ontario

Galerie Dresdnere, Toronto, Ontario

Alex Fraser Galleries, Vancouver, British Columbia

1991 Wallack Galleries, Ottawa, Ontario

Galerie Dresdnere, Toronto, Ontario

Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary, Alberta

The Nickle Arts Museum, University of Calgary, Alberta

1990 WKP Kennedy Gallery, North Bay Arts Centre, Ontario

Temiskaming Art Gallery, Haileybury, Ontario

Burlington Cultural Centre, Burlington, Ontario

Wallack Galleries, Ottawa


Public collections:


National Gallery, Melbourne, Australia

Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Art Gallery of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

The Art Bank, Canada Council, Ottawa, Canada

The Art Gallery of Brant, Brantford, Ontario, Canada

Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography

Carelton University, Ottawa, Canada

The London Museum, London, Ontario, Canada

Musée d’art contemporain, Montreal, Canada

Musée du Quebec, Canada

Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Canada

National Film Board of Canada

National Gallery, Ottawa, Canada

The Still Photography Division, National Film Board of Canada, Ottawa

University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

University of British Columbia, Toronto, Canada

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada

Birmingham City Art Gallery, UK

British Museum, London, UK

City Art Gallery, London, UK

Ferens Art Gallery, Hull, UK

Portsmouth City Art Gallery, UK

Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK

South London Art Gallery, London, UK

Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne, UK

University of Kent at Canterbury, UK

Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK

Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France

Palazzo Te, Mantua, Italy

University of West Indies, Jamaica

National Gallery of Art, Wellington, New Zealand

Museum of Contemporary Art, Fredrikstad, Norway

National Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa

Ball State University, Indiana, USA

Chicago Art Institute, USA

The Cincinnati Museum of Art, Ohio, USA


Dallas Museum of Art, USA

Evelhjhem Art Centre, University of Wisconsin, USA

Metropolitan Museum, New York, USA

Philadelphia Museum of Art, USA

Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC, USA

Hermitage Museum, Lenningrad, Soviet Union


Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje

International Women’s Day Group Exhibition e-Catalog 2021

International Women’s Day Group Exhibition 2021: #ChooseToChallenge

International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality.

For the exhibition e-Catalog click HERE
Jennifer Dickson - Works available 2021

Jennifer Dickson works available on-line catalog is now available for viewing.

CLICK HERE to see the catalog.

This catalog shows the extensive works we have available at the gallery of Jennifer Dickson’s works.
Most of these works are no longer available anywhere else. Dickson is extensively renowned for her etchings and photography. Perhaps one of Canada’s most decorated and collected Photographers. Dickson was awarded the rare opportunity to be one of the first Canadians as a membership in the Royal Academy.