• Biface
  • 40" x 27.75" acrylic on paper
  • Don Pentz

Artist Information

Don Pentz

Born: Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, 1940
Price range: $700-15,500

My new body of abstracted paintings titled “Ancient Landscape” represents a shift from the more archeological themes of previous work. I have changed my focus from that of underground strata and deteriorating object forms to that of an overview of the land itself.

As the title for the new series suggests, the images depict landscapes that have been shaped by millennia of upheaval and weathering from the elements. In some paintings, there’s the suggestion of human structures now fallen into decay. How old or ancient might they be- and where have these civilizations gone?

These acrylic paintings are highly textured. Much of the development of the image relies on the process of applying and then removing paint. Some of these colours remain in the crevices of the texture to help define the shapes that emerge, and create the features of the land and its hint of human habitation.

Born: Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, 1940


1966 BFA, Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB

1979 MFA, University of Regina, SK

1979 Summer at Banff School of Fine Arts, Banff, AB


2013 Don Pentz Retrospective, NS Archives Building, Halifax, NS

2013 Black and Blue (with Wayne Boucher), ARTsPLACE Annapolis Royal, NS

2001 Trinity Galleries, St. John, N.B.

2000 Southern Vermont Arts Center, Manchester, Vermont, U.S.A.

2000 Lunenburg Art Gallery, Lunenburg, N.S.

2000 Studio 21, Halifax, N.S.

1999 Kejimkujik National Park, N.S.

1998 Studio 21, Halifax, N.S.

1995 Moorings Gallery, Mahone Bay, N.S.

1991 Studio 21, Halifax, N.S.

1989 Studio 21, Halifax, N.S.

1989 La Galerie Continentale, Montreal, QC.

1987 Studio 21, Halifax, N.S.

1986 Lunenburg Art Gallery, Lunenburg, N.S.

1986 DesBrisay Museum, Bridgewater, N.S.

1986 Atlantic Salmon Federation, Montreal, QC.

1985 Gallery 1667, Halifax, N.S.

1984 Gallery 1667, Halifax, N.S.

1981 Dresden Galleries, Halifax,N.S.

1980 Dresden Galleries, Halifax, N.S.

1980 Lunenburg Art Gallery, Lunenburg, N.S.

1979 Norman Mac Kenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Sask.

1979 Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax



2000 Trinity Galleries, St.John, N.B.

1999 Trinity Galleries, St. John, N.B.

1999 Studio 21, Halifax, N.S.

1998 Visual Arts Nova Scotia, DesBriay Museum, Bridgewater, N.S.

1996 Studio 21, Halifax, N.S. “Far and Wide”, Visual Arts, Nova Scotia

Gallery ‘78, Fredericton, N.B.

American Museum of Fly Fishing, Vermont

1990 Osaka Triennial ‘90, Osaka, Japan

1990 Atlantic Waterfowl Festival, Sackville, N.B.

1990 Miramichi Salmon Museum, N.B.

1989 Studio 21, Halifax, N.S.

1989 “Atque Ars”, Sackville, N.B.

1988 Studio 21, Halifax,N.S.

1988 Bowater’s “Wild Life Exhibition”, Zwicker’s Gallery, Halifax, N.S.

1988 Lunenburg Art Gallery, Fish Exhib”, Lunenburg, N.S.

1987 Windsor Wi l d l i fe Exhibition, N.S.

1986 Conclave ‘86, N.B.

1986 Visual Arts Nova Scotia, “10 Years”, N.S.

1985 “The Art of Interpretation”, ParksCanada, Halifax, N.S.

1984 Fraser Cultural Centre, N.S.

1984 R.C.A. ‘84, Holland College, P. E . I .

1984 “Ars Scara”, Halifax, N.S.

1984 University of Regina,“Anniversary Show”, Regina, Sask.

1982 Lunenburg Art Gallery, Lunenburg,N.S

1982 Dresden Galleries, Halifax, N.S.

1980 Nova Scotia Art Bank, N.S.

1980 University of Moncton, N.B.

1980 “Emerging Canadian Artists”, Muttart Gallery, Calgary, Alberta

1980 Shell Canada, “Atlantic Artists”, Calgary, Alberta

1980 Pascal Gallery, Toronto, ON.

1979 Rosemont Gallery, Regina, Sask.

1979 Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff, (Young Artists of the Prairies)



1967 Maritime Art Assoc. Centennial Award for Best Painting

1972 Maritime Art Assoc. Purchase Award for Best Painting

1975 Professional Artists Award (NS Gov.) study in Europe

1976 Elected to the Royal Canadian Academy (RCA)

1978 Arts Award: Saskatchewan Arts Board

1978 Nova Scotia Talent Trust

1979 Twining Scholarships: Banff School of Fine Art

1980 Canada Council Grant

1982 Parks Canada Commission

1985 “Wings upon the Wind” Commission: Bradford Exchange

2000 Canada Council Travel Grant

2002 Nova Scotia Arts Council “Creation” Grant

Elected to the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor

Woolfit Award: “Open Water” Exhibit



Canada Council Art Bank

Art Gallery of Nova Scotia

Shell Canada

St. Mary’s University

Mount St. Vincent University

Mount Allison University

Sun Life of Canada

Teleglobe Canada

Bowater Mersey Pulp & Paper

Fraser Co. Pulp & Paper

Coopers & Lybrand

Maritime Tel & Tel

Maritime Broadcasting Corp

American Museum of Fly Fishing

Osaka Foundation of Culture

Nova Scotia Art Bank

Imperial (ESSO) Oil

Husky Oil

Confederation Center Art Gallery, PEI

St. Francis Xavier University

University of Regina

Trans-Maritime Quebec Pipline

Royal Bank of Canada

Parks Canada

NS Dept. of Natural Resources

The Great Eastern Corporation, Ltd.

Acadia University

Irving Ltd.

Cd. Soc. Of Painters in Watercolor


Lt. Gov. of N.S. Province House