Ted Godwin
1933 - 2013
Price range: $300-$50,000
1962 Painting at Stratford Exhibition. A painter must be involved as deeply and completely in life as possible for it is only through living that “life” can be assessed, re-arranged, or mirrored. My painting is a process of discovery and evaluation of the internal and external forces I apprehend. These stimuli are re-arranged to become part of my personal vocabulary of abstraction. The success of a work is dependent upon how well the stimulus has been absorbed and the degree of command I have established over the image and the artifices used to create it with.
1965 NMAG Exhibition
My concern while making a painting is in obtaining a cohesive order of a group of images and events. Viewers (I prefer to call them participants) establish rapport at the level of generalities rather than with the events or situations that concerned me while making the work.
A painting should interrupt the surface it is on, posing a confrontation between itself and things animate and inanimate in it’s environment.
I prefer paintings to be environmental to the extent that the viewer is sufficiently involved in all or some of the external dimensions.
BORN August 13th, 1933 ... Calgary, Alberta
1951-1955 Southern Alberta Institute of Technology and Art
Emma Lake Artist’s workshops
1959 Barnett Newman
1960 John Ferren
1964 Jules Olitski
1965 Lawrence Alloway (Admin. coordinator & Participant)
1955 - 1964 Display Artist and Show-card writer
Art Director Television
Neon Sign Designer
Canada Council Grant - Greece 1962-1963
1964 - 2000 University of Regina, Faculty of Fine Arts
EXHIBITIONS (partial list) ..... toured nationally (*)
N.B. Listings are One-Man Exhibitions unless * noted
1955 London, OT - Young Contemporaries (group)*
1958 Calgary, AB - Allied Art Centre
1959 Ottawa, OT. - 3rd Biennial Canadian Art N. Gall.*
1960 Regina, SK - The May Show - N.M.A.G. (group)
1961 Regina, SK - Win Hedore Exhibition - N.M.A.G.
1961 Ottawa, OT - Five Painters From Regina N.G.*
1961 Ottawa, OT- 4th Biennial of Canadian Art N.G.*
1962 Stratford, OT - Shakespere Festival*
1962 Toronto, OT- Three from Regina D. Cameron Gallery Toronto*
1962 Ottawa, OT- Two-Man Show Blue Barn Gall.*
1962 Montreal, P.Q. - Two-Man Show - Mtl. Mus. Fine Art*
1964 Winnipeg, MN- Winnipeg Biennial (group)*
1965 Regina, SK- N.M.A.G.
1965 Ottawa, OT- 6th Biennial Canadian Art*
1966 Winnipeg, MN- Univ. of Man.
1966 Ontario Art Circuit - (touring)
1967 Atlantic Art Circuit - (touring)
1967 Calgary, AB- Allied Art Centre
1967 Fredericton, N.B. - Saskatchewan Painters
Lord Beaverbrook Gallery*
1967 Ottawa, OT - Blue Barn Gallery
1967 Montreal P.Q. - Canadian Pavillion Expo 67 (group)*
1968 Regina, SK- (Tartans) Dunlop Gall
1968 Toronto, OT- Painting 68 AGO (group)*
1968 Winnipeg, MN - The Winnipeg Show W.A.G. (group)*
1968 Regina, SK - Faculty Exhibition NMAG (group)*
1968 Montreal, P.Q. - Selected Sask. Painters Waddington*
1970 Regina, SK - Regina Invitational Exh. NMAG (group)&
1971 Vancouver, BC - Bau-Xi Gallery Selects (group)*
1971 Toronto, OT- York University
1971 Vancouver, BC - Bau-Xi Gallery
1971 Edmonton, AB - Edmonton Art Gall.
1971 Galway, Eire - Two-Person Show (Phyllis & Ted Godwin)
Kenny’s Art Gallery*
1974 Regina, SK - Dying Orchids Perry’s Art Centre
1974 Hamilton, OT- 9 out of 10 (survey excl. Ont.)*
1974 Victoria, BC - Bau-Xi Gallery
1974 Toronto. OT- Ontario Community Collects 1776-1975*
1974 Moose Jaw, SK - Landscapes *
1976 Ottawa, OT- Emma Lake and after Nat. Gall.*
1976 Waterloo, OT- Two Person Show (Phyllis) Univ. Gall.*
1976 Montreal, PQ - Saskatchewan at the Olympics (group)
Mendel Saskatoon - Dunlop - Regina*
1976 Winnipeg, MN- 64-74 Survey - Subway art Gall.
1976 Winnipeg, MN- Rocks, Flowers, Scissors Subway Gall.
1976 Regina, SK - Rocks, Flowers, Scissors & Sculp.
Dunlop Art Gallery
1977 Toronto, OT - Dying Orchids & Tartans Bau-Xi Gall.
1977 Calgary, AB - Canadian Art Gall.
1977 Edmonton, AB- Lefebvre Gallery
1977 Calgary, AB - Western Summer #1 Canadian Art Gall.
1977 Winnipeg, MN - Western Summer #2 Subway Art Gall.
1978 Toronto, OT - Western Summer Bau-Xi Gall.
1978 Calgary, AB - Canadian Art Gall.
1979 Toronto, OT - Bau-XI Gall.
1979 Winnipeg, MN - Phoenix Group sh. Cardigan-Milne Gall.
1979 Vancouver, BC - Bau-Xi Gallery
1980 Toronto, OT - Western Summer #3 - Bau-Xi Gall.
1980 Calgary, AB - Western Summer #4 Canadian Art Gall.
1980 Vancouver, BC - Bau-Xi Gallery
1980 Calgary, AB - Glenbow Art Museum
1980 Calgary & Edmonton, AB - Alberta Now (group tour)*
1980 Calgary, AB - Historical Survey of Watercolour in Alberta
Glenbow Art Museum (group)*
1980 Saskatoon, SK - Saskatchewan Watercolour 1905-1980
Mendel Art Gallery (group)*
1980 Toronto, OT - Western Summer #5 - Daysend on Moab Bau-Xi Gallery
1980 Edmonton, AB - The Big Picture Edmonton Art Gallery*
1981 Vancouver, BC - Western summer #6 Bau-Xi
1981 Regina, SK - Two-person Show (phyllis) Assiniboia G.*
1981 Creemore, OT- The Regina Five 1961-1981 (touring)*
1981 Regina, SK - Faculty Exhibition N.M.A.G. (group)*
1982 Toronto, OT- Spiritscapes Bau-Xi Gallery
1982 Calgary, AB - New Work Canadian Art Gall.
1982 Vancouver, BC - New Work - Bau-Xi Gallery
1983 Toronto. OT - A day on the Highwood Bau-Xi Gall.
1983 Calgary, AB - The Portals - Canadian Art Gall.
1983 Regina, SK - New Work Phyllis and Ted Assiniboia
1984 Toronto, OT- New Work Bau-Xi Gallery
1984 Vancouver, BC - New Work Bau-Xi Gallery
1985 Regina, SK - Phyllis and Ted Assiniboia Gallery
1985 Toronto, OT- Irish series & Ophelia Observed
Bau-Xi Gallery
1985 Calgary, AB - Wild Rice, Lily Pads, & Summer
Breezes - Canadian Art Galleries
1986 Regina, SK- Assiniboia Gallery
1986 Vancouver, BC - Bau-Xi Gallery
1986 Calgary, AB - Founder’s Show Alberta College of Art *
1987 Regina, SK - Wild Rice, Lily Pad, & Summer Breezes
Farewell - Paper works - Assiniboia
1987 Calgary, AB - Wild Rice, Lily Pads, & Summer Breezes
Farewell - Canadian Art Galleries
1988 Toronto, OT- Gallery Moos Limited
1988 Ottawa, OT- National Gallery Inaugural Exhibition*
1988 Calgary, AB - From the Landscape - Alberta College of Art *
1989 Vancouver, BC- Recent Painting Bau-Xi Gallery
1989 Vancouver, BC - Recent Painting Simon Fraser University B.C.
1989 Calgary, AB - Landscape into Painting Alberta College of Art *
1989 Saskatoon, SK - flat Side of the Landscape:
The Emma lake Artist’s Workshops *
Vancouver Art Gallery, Edmonton Art Gallery, Art Gallery of Windsor, and the Mackenzie Art Gallery Regina.*
1992 Regina, SK- Lower Bow (four One Man shows ensemble)
Lower Bow book Launch MacKenzie Art Gallery
1992 Calgary, AB - Lower Bow Canadian Art gallery Mar 10-28
1992 Regina, Sask. - Lower Bow Assiniboia Art Gallery Mar 10-28
1992 Toronto, OT- Lower bow Bau-Xi Gallery Mar. 10-28
1992 Vancouver, BC - Lower Bow Bau-Xi Gallery Mar. 10-28
1992 Toronto, OT McMichael Canadian Art Centre June 28- Sept.13 (group)
1992-94 Quebec City, PQ Crisis of Abstraction Musee de Quebec, National Gallery of Canada Ottawa OT, Mackenzie Art Gallery Regina, SK, Glenbow Museum Calgary, AB, Art Gallery of Hamilton Hamilton, OT
1993 Toronto, OT Zoomorphism - Bau-Xi Gallery February 16 - March 6
1993 Regina, SK Assiniboia Gallery Nov 27 - Dec 11 (3 person Show) Phyllis Godwin, Teddi Dreidiger (daughter) and moi!*
1993 Taejon, Korea Expo 93 Reflecting Paradise*
1993 Calgary, AB New Work - definitely Canadian Art Galleries Dec.4th -31
1993-94 Winnipeg, MN Achieving the Modern - Wpg. Art Gallery, Confederation Art Centre PEI, Mendel Art Gallery Saskatoon SK, Edmonton. Art Gallery AB, Art Gallery of Windsor OT*
1994 Vancouver, BC - Telegraph Cove Bau-Xi Art Gallery Sept. 5 - 24
1994 Mandalas Bau-Xi Van.,
Canadian Art Galleries Calgary,
Assiniboia Art Gallery Regina SK,
Bau-Xi Art Gallery To. OT
1995 50 years - Canadian Art Galleries - Fall*
1995 Kluane Assiniboia Art Gallery Regina SK October
1995 Kluane Canadian Art Galleries Calgary AB November
1995-96 Over there, Out here: Paris, Emma Lake, Banff, Calgary - Glenbow*
1996 Ted Godwin’s Kluane Yukon Arts Centre Whitehorse, Yukon
1996 Spring Kluane double show Bau-Xi Toronto - Bau-Xi Van (open same day)
1997 North and Northwest images from the land of the Dene, Kwakiutl, and T’iemshian Bau Xi Toronto
1998 Introduction Wallace Galleries, Calgary AB
1998 Drohan, Godwin and Lochhead Landscapes Wallace Galleries
1999 Regina Five historical - Wallace Galleries (Mckay Retro tie in)
1999 Assiniboia Galleries three person book launch show Ted Godwin, Phyllis Godwin, and Luther Pokrant
1999 Book Launch - Messages from the Real World - A Handbook for the emerging Artist
1999 Ted Godwin RCA The Tartan Year 1967 - 1976 opening Nickle Arts Museum September 24th
1999 Ted Godwin Beyond the Tartan Years Wallace Galleries September 24
1999 - 2002 Ted Godwin RCA The Tartan Years 1967 - 1976 tour
Mackenzie Art Gallery Regina SK Spring 2000
Carleton University Art Gallery Ottawa, OT Fall 2000
Confederation Art Centre Charlottetown, PEI Winter 2001
Robert McLaughlin Art Gallery Oshawa OT, Fall 2001
2000 One man Assiniboia Gallery
2000 One Man Bau-Xi Gallery Toronto Fall
2000 “In the Land of the Kutenai”, Wallace Galleries, Calgary, AB
2000 Bau-Xi Galleries, Toronto, Bright waters & significant images from former lives
2000 Assiniboia Gallery, Regina, SK, New Work
2001 Bau-Xi Gallery Vancouver, “Lost Lake and other Considerations
2001 Wallace Gallery Calgary AB “Kenauk” series September
2002 Bau-Xi Vancouver & Toronto “Kenauk Two”
2002 Assiniboia Gallery, “Regina Kenauk Three”
2003 Wallace Galleries, Calgary, “The Newfoundland Suite”
2004 Bau-Xi To. And Van. The waters of Nova Scotia
2005 Wallace Galleries Calgary scheduled for Fall - Eastern Considerations
2007 Bau-Xi Gallery Toronto May5th Nootka Sound
2007 Assiniboia Gallery Regina Three person with wife and daughter September
2008 Ted Godwin: The Regina Five Years, 1957 - 1967, Nickle Arts Museum, Calgary, AB
2008 Ted Godwin: The Regina Five Years, Wallace Galleries, Calgary, AB
2009 Ted Godwin: The Regina Five Years, 1957 - 1967, Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, SK
2011 Ted Godwin: The Regina Five Years, 1957 - 1967, Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton, NB
2014 Ted Godwin Remembered, Wallace Galleries, Calgary, AB
Bau-Xi, Vancouver, BC
Major Publications - Critical Reviews - and or Reproduction of Work
1962 Canadian Art Magazine
1966 Painting in Canada - a History J. Russell Harper
1970 Canadian Art Today - Studio International Will Townsend
1972 Contemporary Canadian Painting - 24 Artists -William Withrow
1972 ArtsCanada
1973 Oxford History of Canadian Painting - Dennis Reid
1974 Towards a People’s Art; a History of Canadian Painting - Barry Lord
1976 Ontario Community Collects; Canadian Painting 1776 to the present
1976 ArtsWest - Lora Burke
1978 The Canadian Forum - Ted Godwin in conversation with Joan Murray
1979 ArtsCanada
1979 Artist’s Review - Sheila Stanley -
1980 ArtsWest Oct.
1980 Calgary Herald Oct Exh. review Tousley
1981 Globe and Mail Feb. Exh. review May
1982 Globe and mail - Feb. Exh. review May
1983 Calgary Herald - April Exh. review Tousley
1983 VISIONS - 13 part TV series TV Ontario
1983 Contemporary Canadian Art - Burnett & Schiff
1988 Art Carleton - Barbara Stevenson University of Carleton Press
1989 Mendel Art Gallery The flat side of the Landscape
1991 Alberta Art Foundation film For Television distribution “Investing in Art"1
1991 Lower Bow Exhibition and Lower Bow book Regina leader Post (Nov)
*1991 Lower Bow - Ted Godwin
1991 Claridge -Montreal (book)
1992 Lower Bow Exhibition reviewed Calgary Herald,
1992 Lower Bow Book reviewed Alberta Report March
1992 Lower Bow Book and exhibition reviewed in Cityscope (May/June)
1993 Reflecting Paradise Expo 93 Korea
1993 Celebrating the Littoral in Landscape Times Colonist Victoria BC2
1993 Achieving the Modern Winnipeg Art Gallery Press
1993 The Crisis of Abstraction in Canada - the 1950’s
1997 Treasured Moments Jim Kurtz memorial book
1997 M.C. Treasured Moments evening Saskatchewan Hotel Regina SK
1998 Kiyooka & Regina Five Film Bravo Channel and CBC National
(Documentary film on Kiyooka and Regina Five)
*1999 Messages from the Real World - A Handbook for the emerging Artist-Ted Godwin
*1999 Ted Godwin, RCA The Tartan Years 1967 – 1976 Dr Anne Davis
1999 Recipient Saskatchewan Book Award best new educational publication for “Messages from the Real World - A Handbook for the emerging Artist”
2001 “A World Away” Documentary film on the Regina Five premiered Bravo Channel June
2002 75th anniversary Alumni Awards of excellence Alberta College of Art
*2002 The Studio Handbook for working Artists expanded new edition of 1999 publication Messages
2003 Between New York and the North Pole - a film on Emma Lake
2005 Speaker Emma Lake Fifty Years - Emma Lake
NB Items asterisked (*) indicate book publications concerned solely with Ted Godwin
1958 Second prize N.E.S.A. (international neon design competition)
1964 Merit Award - Winnipeg Biennial
1965 Initiated & Organized Nathan Stolow Seminar on Contemporary Painting Media
1968 Winnipeg Show Purchase Award
1970 Organized Regina invitational Exhibition N.M.A.G.
1974 Royal Canadian Academy (R.C.A. elect)
1978 Queen Elizabeth Jubilee Medal
1985 February 22nd sobriety date
1987 Quit Smoking
1987 Inducted Fine Arts Archives - University of Regina
1988-91 Member Calgary Allied Arts Foundation
1990-91 Chairman Calgary Allied Arts Foundation
2000 Professor Emeritus University of Regina
2001 Award of Excellence Alberta College of Art “Governors’ Award of Excellence”
2001 Award of Honorary Doctorate University of Regina, Regina SK Fall convocation 01
Major Collections (partial)
Agnes Etherington Art Centre3
Alberta Art Foundation
Art Gallery of Ontario
Art Gallery of Hamilton
Bank of Montreal
Bennet Jones
BP Canada
Canada Council Art Bank
Canadian Embassy Washington
Canadian Embassy Kiev
City of Toronto
Confederation Art Centre
Crown Life
Czar Resources
Daon Developement
Esso Resources Canada
Glenbow Art Museum
Gulf Oil
Hart House
Imperial oil
John Shaw Hong Kong
Lord Beaverbrook Art Gallery
Manufacturers Life
MMK Co Ltd Tokyo
National Gallery of Canada
Osler, Hoskins & Harcourt
Peter Whyte Foundation
Robert McLaughlin Art Gallery
Royal Bank
Sabine Canada Ltd.
Saskatchewan Arts Board
Seneca College
Shell Resources Canada Ltd.
The Permanent
Thorne Riddell
Toronto-Dominion Bank
Touche Ross
University of Regina
University of Sask.
University of Calgary
University of Manitoba
WestCoast Petroleum Ltd.
First Energy Capital Corp
Clem Said Group Exhibition e-Catalog 2017
“ClemSaid” Group Exhibition:
Works by: Ronald Bloore, Ted Godwin, Dorothy Knowles, Kenneth Lochhead, and Harold Town
October 11 - 26, 2017
“ClemSaid” explores the relationships -from positive to negative- that this renowned critic had on 5 artists currently represented by Wallace Galleries.
Exhibition e-Catalog available HERE
The five artists; Ronald Bloore, Ted Godwin, Dorothy Knowles, Kenneth Lochhead, and Harold Town each had their own experiences and opinions on Greenberg and his views on [Modern] art.
As an influential art mind, Greenberg impacted the Canadian art scene with his visits, and his brief or lifelong connection with each artist exhibited had an impact on their art career in one way or another.
We invite you to enjoy the works and walk through a bit of history with each of these great artists… let your mind go & explore another world.
Ted Godwin: A Retrospective e-Catalog 2020
MAY 23 - JUNE 17, 2020
Known as “The Kid”, Godwin was a professor at the University of Regina in the 50s and 60s, and one of five artists to be exhibited at the National Gallery of Canada in the 60s; where the group was called “The Regina Five” and the name stuck. An innovative and inspiration group of artists and professors that put western Canada on the map of action expressionism at the time. Godwin embraced his creativity and experimented and grew from his time in Regina and continued to create throughout his career until his passing in 2013. This exhibition will celebrate a man that embodied his art and continually was creating. The exhibition will span works from his early years in Regina until his later landscape works in the 2000s.