Professional artist and art professor in Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, China
Price range: $650-$14,200

Le Shi

Shi Le is a professional artist and an art educator. He received a bachelor’s degree in fine art at the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute of China and a Master’s at the University of Waterloo. Shi Le has been teaching fine arts in various post-secondary institutions including Lakehead University, Queen’s University and the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute.

Shi Le’s landscape painting depicts scenes of pastoral beauty formed around immediate surrounding in South Ontario. Through his painting, he is re-interpreting the tradition of Canadian landscape painting. To him, “landscape is a recreation of the moment in memory that captures my emotion in response to the truthfulness of nature. From Creek series to the inner woods and grass land, the personal response and understanding to my surroundings are central. Through a palette knife-stroke and flat brush-stroke, I hope to reactivate on the canvas the fascination that the landscape of Ontario has drawn on me.”

His paintings have been exhibited in Canada since 1992.

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Available Works

Ontario, Impressionism, Szechuan, landscape, vivid, marsh, River, flow
Ontario, Impressionism, Szechuan, landscape, vivid, marsh
Part Carling 2
Ontario, Impressionism, Szechuan, landscape, vivid, marsh, parks
Port Carling 3
Ontario, Impressionism, Szechuan, landscape, vivid, marsh, fields
Baysville 4
Ontario, Impressionism, Szechuan, landscape, vivid, marsh, birch
Baysville 2
Ontario, Impressionism, Szechuan, landscape, vivid, marsh, river national park, texture
Oxtongue River
impressionistic, landscape, Ontario
Hardy Lake 4
impressionistic, landscape, Ontario
Bondi Village Fall 3
Ontario, Impressionism, Szechuan, landscape, vivid
Hockley Valley #4
impressionistic, landscape, Ontario
The Silence Pond 4
impressionistic, landscape, Ontario
Hardy lake 3
impressionistic, landscape, Ontario
Horseshoe Valley Fall 3
impressionistic, landscape, Ontario
Aurora Fall 1
forest, fall, autumn color
Limberlost Fall #2
birches, Ontario, fall color
Limberlost Fall #3
pastel, pastoral, fall, flowers
Hockley Valley #1