Mikel Temo Greco

“Absence & Silence” is the credo of my creation. It is this that I try to achieve and that which is the source of my creativity. That is a spiritual status of emptiness that brings me to new heaven and a new earth, immersing me to wonderful world of colors and images. When I am working I lose all sense of time and place. I experience a state of consciousness quite common but nonetheless magical. It is the same meditating state experienced by monks. In this state of grace, the paintings begin to take shape seemingly on their own accord. A completed painting is the pinnacle of this spiritual journey. A “non forced preparation”, is the vision I hope to achieve. Forms and colours are born together. I do not have a format as I begin but adopt one as I go. My first thoughts are worked on a small surface. It isn’t until I have worked numerous sketches and drafts that I then bring this to a larger scale. In my work I try to reveal the expression of the mind and soul and their interaction together. My art ranges from an unconscious spiritual statement to an abstract image, offering the viewer another perspective, another reality and another language. The technique used helps me achieve my goal which is to emphasize the spiritual essence of abstraction and the interaction during this process.

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abstract art, contemporary art, texture
Untitled (12-29-B1)


Born in 1964 in the town of Korca in the south of Albania, Mikel Temo Greco inherited a familial artistic tradition and started painting in early childhood. While studying painting and drawing at the Academy of Arts in Tirana, capital of Albania (1982-1986) he discovered the art forms prohibited at that time: impressionism, cubism, expressionism and surrealism.

From 1986 to 1998, Mikel shared his knowledge and love of contemporary art with his students at the Art School of Tirana but it was only after trips to Italy and France that his work turned more explicitly abstract. In 1991 he founded the Association of the Albanian Independent Painters and Sculptors and in 1997 received a PhD in Arts.


Mikel Temo Greco has been widely exhibited throughout Europe. He immigrated to Canada in 2000 and continues to paint in Vancouver, British Columbia.