Louis Kahn, the American architect, said: ”good architecture makes the intangible tangible so as to evoke the intangible.” I long to do just that.
I paint about the human condition, about the mystery of life. About the tantalizing fact that we have only intimations, and will never know, the nature of reality. About the illusion that life is secure whereas in fact anything could happen at any time to totally change its course. About loss, fragility, old age, and mortality. And also about compassion and about love offering redemption from our plight.
Figures in my work are often androgynous and not of a particular person. Rather they are about what confronts us because we are human.
I try to capture that moment of bewilderment when structure and order in our existence breaks down, everything looks unfamiliar, and we are sure of nothing.
I use drafting film because I feel that it creates the ephemeral quality that I want in my work. The figures are in abstract settings as I do not want to place them in any one human context. I use oil paint as I love the materiality of the medium. In these works, I am not interested in painting the body in a realistic manner, but rather in finding a way to represent it so that it resonates more deeply with the viewer.
~ Eve Leader